I’ll be attending GamesCom this year again (on Sunday). I hope to get some insights and also perhaps get some contacts and maybe a chance to find my next Job ;o). Last years GamesCom was more or less disappointing as there where most continuations of game series and a lot of browser and casual game stuff. I hope that it will be a bit better this year but I don’t have a lot of hope. For us hardcore games it more and more looks like our favorite part of the industry is falling into the hands of console gaming and ever repeating of the same stuff. Soon enough the old days of new genres and ideas around every corner will be nothing more than a distant memory. Something we will be telling story’s about to children with tears in our eyes :-P. Its sad to be living in this times. But we have to make the best of it and work towards making the industry realize that we won’t accept it and buy their crappy ever-same-stuff.