As some might have already read in the latest news: Kartuga, the project I’ve been working on the last 1 3/4 years at Ticking-Bomb-Games, has been canceled by our publisher InnoGames. This decision came to me and my colleges (even though we where already informed at the start of this month that it might come to this) as quite a shock and the after-effects of this sudden “change of hearth” our publisher obviously had are rather visible in the faces of all of us. Unfortunately this decision also carries with it the consequence of our so much loved games studio being closed. Most of us are trying to handle this situation with a mixture of a grim sense of humor, actionism (after all we all lost our jobs and have to look for new ones) and perhaps a bit of anger. We all would have very much liked to bring Kartuga those last few meters to the finish line and the feeling that this project we spend so much time, effort and commitment in is just torn down in this manner and in such short notices is nothing short of painful. I’ll miss my colleges, I’ll miss working on such a great title with such a talented team. And if it may come to this I’ll miss Hamburg. But ultimately all good thing come to an end.
P.S. For the Trekkie readers: The titles of my last 2 game posts where titles of last Episodes from Star Trek series :-P. Its kind of fitting.
P.P.S. There might be coming more information from me regarding all this at some point. But at the moment a lot of this can not be made public yet.
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