I’m currently working on a Spectrum Analyzer applet for Amarok. The applet will benefit from my OpenGL applet template I made a few days ago (see this Post). This way it will also have all the nice functionality the template has (like switching between fullscreen, windowed and widget mode). I’ve already made some nice pictures with fake audio data (since the real audio data currently is hard to get via phonon). Enjoy!
- Bars Mode without Peaks and Wave
- Bars Mode with Peaks and without Wave
- Bars Mode with Peaks and Wave
- Wave Mode
- 3D Waves Mode
- Bars Mode without Peaks and Wave
[…] Amarok: “Are we there yet?”. I’m mainly working on three things at the moment: A spectrum analyzer applet, a visualization applet and song fingerprinting. Today I’m happy I can say to at least […]