Time-Shift: Veritas liberabit vos
The truth shall set you free

The future and the past

December 14th, 2011

Finally I got some much needed time to update my blog. First of all: I got myself a fancy new job at ticking-bomb-games. So I’ve moved (more or less) to Hamburg. Quite a nice city I have to say but well a city none the less. I’ll have to find me a sweet apartment still and I’ll make sure it’ll be in the suburbs. The company is amazing and the people are amazing so everything is amazing… now. There is however something I always wanted to talk about and now it seems to be the right time and place to do it (it’s got nothing to do with my current job. That much I can tell you): applications. Everyone has to do them (except for people with very rich parents perhaps), everybody hates them. But what was really pissing me of during my application time wasn’t the writing of applications. It wasn’t the job interviews or the rejections. It was the company’s.

So.. I do understand company’s get a lot of applications (especially game company’s). And I do understand that it takes time to go through all of them and to evaluate the best candidates. But the general behaviour of most (game?) company’s when it comes to applications is just RUDE! Most company’s don’t even take the time to write a note that they have received your application. Let alone ANSWER to it. Form more than 30 applications I got a “we-heard-you” notice from perhaps 10 (which is already a lot). Out of those ~30 applications perhaps 5 send me a rejection! Another 5 asked me to do a test and/or a job interview. And now after 3-4 month I got a few requests for job interviews. So lets sum this up shall we:

Out of 30 applications:

  • ~70% didn’t response AT ALL.
  • ~10% took more than 3 month to reply.
  • ~20% cared enough to reply.

I might be a bit sensitive, but I find that to be an embarrassing result for the German job market. For every single one of those applications I spend at least half an hour to polish it and write a cover letter. That would sum up to ~15 hours of work. If all applications those company’s receive are stored in a database or an excel sheet it takes them about 10 minutes to mark the ones to reject and generate an automated rejection e-mail. But obviously that’s to much to ask. Furthermore if a company asks you for a job interview after having sent NOTHING for 3 month how can that NOT be embarrassing for them? All the company’s are crying all the time that they lack trained personnel and that they treat all their employees good.. well what about your future employees? Think about it.. and if you ask me.. think hard… because you’ve got a lot to learn!

Bachelor Thesis online

August 29th, 2011

Since I’ve got my Bachelor diploma I’ve released my bachelor thesis and the practical solution as binary and source code here. Please be aware that the source code is released under GPL, but the written thesis may only be used for personal education. If you want to publish my thesis in any way please contact me first. The thesis handles displacement mapping in Direct X 11 using hull and domain shader. It makes use of almost every new Direct X 11 feature (Tessellation, Compute Shader). If you have any questions concerning my work please don’t hesitate to contact me or leave a comment. I’ll be happy to explain or help with you work if I can.

Tessellation Demo

Tessellation Demo

Tessellation Demo low tessellation

Tessellation Demo low tessellation

Tessellation Demo wireframe mode

Tessellation Demo wireframe mode

Tessellation Demo low tessellation wireframe

Tessellation Demo low tessellation wireframe

GamesCom 2011

August 18th, 2011

I’ll be attending GamesCom this year again (on Sunday). I hope to get some insights and also perhaps get some contacts and maybe a chance to find my next Job ;o). Last years GamesCom was more or less disappointing as there where most continuations of game series and a lot of browser and casual game stuff. I hope that it will be a bit better this year but I don’t have a lot of hope. For us hardcore games it more and more looks like our favorite part of the industry is falling into the hands of console gaming and ever repeating of the same stuff. Soon enough the old days of new genres and ideas around every corner will be nothing more than a distant memory. Something we will be telling story’s about to children with tears in our eyes :-P. Its sad to be living in this times. But we have to make the best of it and work towards making the industry realize that we won’t accept it and buy their crappy ever-same-stuff.

Using the GriGri: Alaways use the brakehand! RTFM!

June 19th, 2011

Until now I though “stay calm, stay silent”. But yesterday yet another climber (who is rather seasoned) tried to tell me to NOT use the braking hand on my GriGri. For those of you guys who are nodding now and mumbling something about burned hands PLEASE: RTFM or DO NOT USE THE GriGri AT ALL! And please, please, pretty please stop trying to convince novice climbers to take there hand of the braking rope! Its damn dangerous and its bloody sure more dangerous to DIE then to get a burned hand! And if you still don’t belief me (and Petzl for that matter) please have a look at the following links (German language):


So please people: Learn to use a device and trust your knowledge instead listening to some myths and crazy talk from other (even seasoned) climbers. Experience is nice but safety is FIRST!

To Game or not to Game

May 9th, 2011

Finally my childhood dream has come true. I’m a professional game developer ;). Ok… ok I’m a game development intern… but hey.. I’m going there step by step. My first week as intern at EA Phenomic has come and passed and I’m loving every second of it. I can now do what every (crazy) child is dreaming of. I create the games that we love so much and have so much fun playing. What better job there is ;)?

Surprised about the surprises (Or why nokias deal was a logic step)

February 12th, 2011

So.. Nokia and Microsoft heh? Well well what do you say about that. I’m for one are most certainly NOT surprised about that. Ever since Nokia bought Trolltech I was a bit uneasy and unhappy about it. Nokia never stroke me as the company that does much community work that doesn’t end up in their pockets immediately. Sure sure they have done some Open Source stuff in their times, but only to attract more developers and get even more money. To make long words short: They are capitalist. Always were and always will be I guess. So when they bought Trolltech I was not happy about it. And my experiences later on definitely were proof of that (I refer to a “nice” telephone session we had on the Randa Multimedia Sprint with the Nokia guys about Qt Multimedia). Qt was beginning to fall in line with Nokias “Money is everything. Community nothing” mantra. Call me paranoid but right then I already felt that it wasn’t quite the end of it. So Nokia now turns to a company that’s following the same call (for money and no community) they have for years. Its almost like people on a sinking ship holding on to one another and hoping they won’t drown. If not for all the implications on KDE and Amarok I most certainly would find it amusing. I for one haven’t used Nokia devices for a long time now and am only using Microsoft products if I have to. So the only thing (apart from the Qt stuff) this deal changes for me is that I can only party once instead of twice when the Nokia/Microsoft ship will finally bubble away in the deep ocean of “Nice try”. Too bad :-P.

How to make your geek happy

December 1st, 2010

Well its that time of the year again isn’t it? Where the snow is falling, everyone is lingering around fireplaces and.. oh yea.. Christmas presents. Its always the same problem. What in gods name should I get for XY. The worst choice of all is of course: what to get your geek? Be it a friend, your boyfriend, brother or whatever.. geeks are hard to satisfy! Most of the times they will get that strange look in the face after opening your present. You know.. that look that says: thank you but WTF should I do with that piece of s****.  So be at ease, because I’ve got just the tip for you ;-). Take a look at http://www.getdigital.de/ . Most of the stuff there will make your geek happy. OK you’ve got to know him at least a little bit the make a decent choice. But hey.. life can’t be THAT easy :-P. After all getDigital has introduced a nice wish-list feature (just in time for Christmas). If you can convince your geek to put some stuff onto it you’ll just have to choose and buy. I love technology at work :-P.

P.S. I’ve got myself quite some stuff from getDigital.de. Some was a gift (like my 30cm plush tux that is following me to every amarok booth). Some I gave to myself (I’m a heavy tea drinker and the frozen tux mug is my best tea cup).

Making Games Talents and beyond

October 17th, 2010

Yesterday I “Making Games Talents” finally was held in my area (at least near enough to attend it) and the company set that was presenting itself contained all the company’s I ever wanted to work for: Related Designs, Crytek and Spellbound. First of all I’d like to thank Game Star (and IDG) and especially Heiko Klinge for making this event possible. It means a lot to us crazy devs, designers and artists to have the possibility to actually shake some hands instead of just writing one application after another and get ignored. This way we can show the company’s why we matter and why we stick out of the crowd. It was a quite rainy day yesterday and the first hard thing was to find the place ;o). Honestly guys.. next time a better description would be nice (or was this the first test?). However during my search I met some people who where also looking for the right place and so we made a team effort out of it. We sticked together for a while and met again later on. What will become out of this group is uncertain, but we exchanged e-mail addresses and you might here from us again (On this blog or maybe even on a bigger scale) ;o).  I first attended some lectures. After that I tried to get started with shaking hands. Getting to someone wasn’t really the easy part. Because the company’s like Crytek, Related Designs and Spellbound where all but overrun. I took my place in the line and finally had the chance to shake the hand of the CEO from Related Designs (if that isn’t already something ;o) ). Sadly though they don’t have a position open for a junior programmer at the moment. He took my portfolio and wrote some infos down. To bad. I’d really enjoyed working for them! The Crytek booth was badly crowded, but I tried my luck. When I was finally in front of the booth I met Cortney. He’s talent manager at Crytek. He took the time to look at the game I developed together with the GDIG at FH-Trier and listen to my explanations. I found him to be quite patient and friendly (considering what he had to all day). Last but not least I went to the Spellbound booth to present my case. They also where very patient (considering my notebook crashed before I could start the game and they had to wait on it for quite some time) and especially very friendly. All in all my hopes have somewhat risen (concerning GamesCom they have rocketed). Now comes the hardest part: wait and see. In the meantime I’ll look for more opportunities to get into the gaming industry. Keep your thumbs crossed!

KWatchman – An Idea given Birth

October 12th, 2010

First of all: Thank you everyone for you comments and suggestions. They really got me on the road and showed my that there indeed is interest enough to do some more serious work. So I sat down and made myself a little planing and even some (small) coding today. Here’s what I got so far:

The project will consist of mainly 3 Parts:

  1. Part one being the kwatchman-service (in what manner I’ll realize this I’m not sure yet). Its basically just an empty rack to manage and run part 2 (maybe this will even be a daemon so it can run under higher privileges).
  2. Part two being Plug-ins that can be loaded by kwatchman-service. There will be (for now) 4 kinds of Plug-ins:
    • Sensor Plug-ins (they collect the data from a specific source e.g. libsensors-plugin, hddtemp-plugin, nvclock-plugin, etc.. )
    • Interface Plug-ins (they provide interfaces for all apps that like to access the collected data e.g. dbus-plugin, network-plugin, nagios-plugin?, etc… )
    • Database Plug-ins (they provide storage for long term data collection e.g. mysql-plugin, postgresql-plugin, nepomuk-plugin?, etc… )
    • Alert Plug-ins (they do something in case an alert is issued by crossing some threshold e.g. knotify-plugin, phonon-lugin, log-plugin, shell-plugin, etc… )

Apart from the database Plug-ins all Plug-ins can be used or not used at will. So the user can ultimately decide what gets refresh and which alert is being send if a threshold is crossed. Concerning the Database Plug-ins I guess its much easier if only one is allowed at a time. All other use cases can be handled by Interface Plug-ins (e.g. if you want nepomuk as your db but want to access the data via php on a webserver a php friendly interface Plug-in would be the solution).

  1. The last part are GUI’s that access the data and configure the Plug-ins via the interface Plug-ins. Those can be a very wide variety of apps and applets ( e.g. native KDE4 apps, plasmoids, KCModules etc.). Im not completely sure how the initial configuration of the service should be made so that at least the correct interface Plug-in for your favorite App is activated.

The first implementation will (most likely) contain:

  • The kwatchman-service (whatever it will be)
  • A lm_sensors sensor Plug-in
  • A nepomuk or MySQL database Plug-in (not sure yet)
  • A native (ksensors like) KDE4 app
  • A interface Plug-in for the native app (maybe via dbus?)
  • A knotify Alert Plug-in

As soon as I’ve got those components in working order I’ll concentrate on more sensors and Alert Plug-ins. After I that database Plug-ins will be my attention and finally I’ll write some more apps and Interface Plug-ins.

As for now I’ve got a (very rudimentary) cmake concept for detecting libs and deciding what gets compiled, a (also rudimentary) file structure for the code and some template for the KDE4 App.

So.. now to it: What do you think about THAT concept? Crazy? To big? Super? If you have any supplementary suggestions to the concept don’t hesitate to comment!

The King is dead, long live the king!

October 11th, 2010

Have you ever wondered what became out of KSensors? I did. Many times. Well the sad but inevitable fact is: its dead :-(. And as far as I can tell there are no real successors standing in the doorstep. All the sensor apps available for KDE4 are hardly replacements. Most of them are plasmoids and I’d rather consider them toys then the real deal. Because of this I decided to bring in KWatchman (hope the name isn’t taken. Couldn’t find anything though). Essentially KWatchman aims to be a full replacement for KSensors. Showing sensor data on a dashboard, in KDE4 sys tray and ringing “the bell” if something is wrong. As of now the only thing that exists for this project is the idea, an (empty) git repository (http://gitorious.org/watchman) and an (mostly empty) IRC channel (#kwatchman @ freenode ). Before I begin on writing any code however I’d like to ask YOU about this ;-). So: What do you think about this idea and more important what do you think should be changed / made better as with KSensors? As this will not be a fork of KSensors but a complete rewrite I’d like to hear any Idea about this. Just drop me an E-Mail, write me in IRC or post a comment to this blog entry. I’m happy about any comment. Thx.